User talk:Romaine
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- (nl): Deze gebruikerspagina is van een gebruiker die het meest actief is op de Nederlandstalige Wikipedia.
- (en): This userpage is from a frequent wikipedian from the Dutch Wikipedia.
- (de): Diese Benutzerseite ist von einem Benutzer von der Niederländischen Wikipedia.
- Other: I can read most Romance languages.
- My homewiki is located at: w:nl:Gebruiker:Romaine
Archives: 2016 and earlier - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023
Does this page include (or can the page include) files from Category:Undelete in 2024? Thanks, -- Ooligan (talk) 18:28, 1 January 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Ooligan, Yes it does. With Public Domain Day (and the days after) many files are restored on Wikimedia Commons because copyrights expired. When that happens, the restoring of the images is visible in the restoring log. From 1 January to about 10 January I check this log and add all the restored files because of copyright expiration to the page Commons:Public Domain Day/2024. The more files from Category:Undelete in 2024 are restored, the longer the page Commons:Public Domain Day/2024 becomes. Typically by 10 January all files have been restored. Romaine (talk) 23:25, 1 January 2024 (UTC)
- Romaine,
- Thank you for your time adding restored files and checking the restoration log. Public Domain Day needs more publicity to help educate more people about this important annual open access process. I just noticed your contributions. Again, thanks, -- Ooligan (talk) 23:33, 1 January 2024 (UTC)
- I noticed there is also Category:Media uploaded for Public Domain Day 2024. Do you add files from this category? Yann (talk) 11:25, 2 January 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Yann, I did not know it existed, thanks! I will keep an eye on that category and at the files to the page too. Romaine (talk) 12:51, 2 January 2024 (UTC)
- I noticed there is also Category:Media uploaded for Public Domain Day 2024. Do you add files from this category? Yann (talk) 11:25, 2 January 2024 (UTC)
Could you take a look?
[edit]I changed 2019 to 2024 per request on Campaign:wlbirds, and since the second edition starts on 1 February 2024, could you take a look and see if I made any error - as I disabled it? ─ The Aafī (talk) 10:03, 14 January 2024 (UTC)
- An addition of a beforeActive label should be helpful, which can be removed once the campaign actually starts. ─ The Aafī (talk) 10:09, 14 January 2024 (UTC)
Category:Twee cirkels van Ad Dekkers
[edit]Beste Romaine, je hebt een wikidata voor deze categorie aangemaakt met als gemeente Gouda. Maar deze cirkels liggen op het grondgebied van Waddinxveen. Zie Zou je het willen veranderen? Groet Agaath (talk) 12:53, 16 March 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Agaath, Dank voor de melding! Ik heb het aangepast op Wikidata. Romaine (talk) 17:21, 16 March 2024 (UTC)
WLE 2024 - Albania/Kosovo
[edit]Hey there, Romaine!
Recently I finished dealing with the Albanian landing page for the WLE campaign. I added Albania and Kosovo in the table of participating countries but the table is a mess currently. There are minor syntax errors in code and no alphabetical order between countries. Would you mind taking a look at it when you can?
Also, I read on the needed requirements that we need to provide some translation for the CentralNotice. I remember vaguely doing that last year. Do we still need to do something like that this year?
Finally can you check that our landing pages/campaigns are configured correctly to run during the May 15th - June 15th period?
(None of this is in any way urgent so take your time. :) Thank you! - Klein Muçi (talk) 10:39, 9 April 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Klein Muçi, I fixed the countries table and for Albania/Kosovo it is set to start in 15 May and the last contest day on 15 June. For the banner, unless you want to change the text I am going to use the text and design from last year. Romaine (talk) 14:48, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you for your contributions! Much appreciated! :) - Klein Muçi (talk) 15:05, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
WLEBD 2024 Upload Wizard
[edit]Hello Romaine, Thanks for your correction in Campaign:wle_bd_2024. And sorry as I messed up with this campaign :) But is it ok if we use Template:Wle bd 2024-Upload Wizard in header level? As it represents our branding in the upload wizard? Thanks Wasiul Bahar (talk) 17:31, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Wasiul Bahar, It is very unusual to have a new campaign for each new year, as that would create a lot of campaigns which are only in use once, while they can be re-used. I have updated the wle_bd_2024 campaign so it works properly, also it does now do exactly the same as Campaign:wle-bd. I kept the template Wle bd 2024-Upload Wizard as header, but this is only shown during the contest, which starts in 12 minutes. Romaine (talk) 17:48, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
Hi Wasiul Bahar, Can you help me with a translation into Bangla (bn)? Just checking the upload wizard for your country, I noticed one text not being translated. Can you please provide a translation of MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-campaigns-wle-nomination-hre here below in Bangla? Thanks! Romaine (talk) 17:53, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
- Solved already, the translation has been added here: MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-campaigns-wle-nomination-hre/bn. Romaine (talk) 18:16, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
- Thanks a lot @Romaine.
- Sorry for not responsing immediately. Seems that the upload wizard is working perfectly as our needs. And we will use the same upload wizard from next year.
- Thanks again. Wasiul Bahar (talk) 18:20, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
WLE Central Notice in Karakalpak with mistake
[edit]Dear @Romaine
I'm temporary admin of kaawiki.
There is some mistakes on the banner in Karakalpak, especially a word "obiektleriniń" must be written as "obyektleriniń" (kindly see the root of the word in kaawikt).
If you believe in me (I have translated about 5000 sentences into Karakalpak on, kindly use the next whole sentence as Karakalpak translation of WLE banner:
Wiki Jerdi Súyedi: Ózbekstandaǵı tábiyiy miyras obyektleriniń súwretlerin júklew arqalı Wikipediaǵa úles qosıń hám sawǵalar utıp alıń!
Or minimum kindly change the wrong used word "obiektleriniń" into "obyektleriniń".
Thanks in advance.
With regards. Qaraqalpaqpan (talk) 18:05, 30 May 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Qaraqalpaqpan, The text was copied from here. I changed the text of the banner to your text. Romaine (talk) 16:15, 31 May 2024 (UTC)
- Hi @Romaine, thank you for quick reply and action. Now it's OK, thank you very much. Qaraqalpaqpan (talk) 06:50, 2 June 2024 (UTC)
Format de video non lue sur commons
[edit]Salut @Romaine. j'ai téléversé ce fichier File:Danse Agbadja avec à Cotonou au Bénin avec Gessi Zolawadji.webm qui refuse de lire alors qu'il est au même format que celui ci File:AGBADZA ABUCHAKOPEE.webm que j'arrive a lire normalement. Pourrais tu m'aider à comprendre cette situation ? Cordialement . Adoscam (talk) 10:10, 4 June 2024 (UTC)
WLE 2024 in Malaysia
[edit]Hello @Romaine. Just to inform you that the landing page for our WLE 2024 in Malaysia is ready. Let me know if there any other things we have to do. Thank you. WAqil (WMYS) (talk) 11:34, 14 June 2024 (UTC)
- Hi WAqil, Sorry for the delay, everything seems ready! :-) Romaine (talk) 19:55, 14 June 2024 (UTC)
WLE Portugal
[edit]Dear @Romaine,
We are extending the WLE Portugal until 15 July, could you please update the central notice end? Thank you. Alchimista (talk) 22:56, 28 June 2024 (UTC)
WLE 2024 au Congo-Kinshasa
[edit]Cher(e) Romaine,
En principe, le concours devrait durer un mois, comme c'est souvent le cas. Cependant, cette année, nous avons rencontré de nombreux problèmes avec l'équipe de subvention pour organiser les activités et encourager les participants. En conséquence, nous avons négocié avec l'équipe internationale d'organisation pour prolonger le délai, puisque certains participants avaient déjà commencé à soumettre leurs images pour le concours. Nous avons donc convenu ensemble de prolonger la période jusqu'au 20 août, à l'issue de la subvention accordée.
Cependant, en raison des contraintes imposées par les administrateurs des subventions, qui préfèrent une période d'un mois comme c'est généralement le cas, la date limite finale pour la soumission des gagnants au niveau international a été révisée au 10 septembre.
Merci de votre compréhension. Cordialement, CapitainAfrika (talk) 14:27, 12 August 2024 (UTC)
- Bonjour CapitainAfrika, Désolé pour le retard, j'étais en vacances. J'ai du mal à comprendre ce que vous essayez de dire. Dans Wiki Loves Earth, le concours peut durer 1 mois ou 2 mois, et avec certaines circonstances, une prolongation peut être accordée. Cependant, il n'est pas possible de décaler le début de la période du concours lorsque les photos ont déjà été téléchargées. Pendant la période que vous avez indiquée (15 juin - 15 juillet 2024), une bannière était déjà au-dessus de Wikipédia! Bien longtemps après que le concours se soit déroulé et soit terminé dans votre pays, vous souhaitez organiser à nouveau le concours... Je vais demander cela à l'équipe internationale. Romaine (talk) 06:48, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
- Merci beaucoup @Romaine j'ai bien compris maintenant, j'essayais de dire que oui nous acceptons que le début de la période du concours reste le 15 juin mais cependant d’après la conversation avec l'équipe internationale et avec les administrateurs des grants, nous avons convenu que le concours s’arrête le 20 août et au plus tard le 31 août pour vu que les résultats soient disponibles avant le 10 septembre 2024. Merci CapitainAfrika (talk) 09:39, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
- Demain, c'est déjà le 20 août. Mais vous parlez aussi du 31 août ? Si une prolongation est mise en œuvre, j'ai besoin d'une date précise et claire. Romaine (talk) 09:55, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
- Le 31 août si possible merci CapitainAfrika (talk) 10:07, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
- Demain, c'est déjà le 20 août. Mais vous parlez aussi du 31 août ? Si une prolongation est mise en œuvre, j'ai besoin d'une date précise et claire. Romaine (talk) 09:55, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
- Merci beaucoup @Romaine j'ai bien compris maintenant, j'essayais de dire que oui nous acceptons que le début de la période du concours reste le 15 juin mais cependant d’après la conversation avec l'équipe internationale et avec les administrateurs des grants, nous avons convenu que le concours s’arrête le 20 août et au plus tard le 31 août pour vu que les résultats soient disponibles avant le 10 septembre 2024. Merci CapitainAfrika (talk) 09:39, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments Belgium
[edit]@Romaine, gelieve de 3 subcampagnes voor België te activeren: zie hiervoor WMBE WLM campagnes. Ik moet wel nog de pagina op meta aanmaken. Bedankt hiervoor. --Geert Van Pamel 15:42, 17 August 2024 (UTC)
- Zou WMBE ook een upload-campagne voor Luxemburg kunnen hosten? --Geert Van Pamel 21:14, 18 August 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Geert, Het internationale organiseerde team van WLM heeft basiseisen opgesteld voor lokale teams. Als aan die voorwaarden wordt voldaan, dan worden de speciale upload wizards actief gezet voor de fotowedstrijd. Omdat België nu is toegevoegd aan de landenlijst is de status van de speciale upload wizards gewijzigd van niet deelnemend naar wedstrijd moet nog beginnen. In de dagen voorafgaand aan de start worden alle landingspagina's geïnspecteerd door het internationale team en als die voldoen wordt zowel de speciale upload wizard als de banner boven Wikipedia geactiveerd. De basis begint bij een goede landingspagina: potentiële deelnemers mogen niet van het kluitje in het riet worden gestuurd en eigenlijk wil het internationale team ook dat een landingspagina er goed uitziet. De Meta-pagina waarnaar je linkt ziet er niet goed uit en is verwarrend over Wiki Loves Heritage/Wiki Loves Monuments. Een voorbeeld van een goede pagina is bijvoorbeeld: Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2024 in Ireland. Tevens zal er een duidelijk onderscheid moeten zijn tussen de monumenten die onder Wiki Loves Monuments vallen en het bredere erfgoed dat onder Wiki Loves Heritage valt. Ook moet duidelijk zijn dat binnen Wiki Loves Monuments de termijn maximaal één maand is waarbinnen de foto's kunnen worden geüpload: in de landenlijst heb je september aangegeven. Ook over de jurering moet duidelijkheid bestaan. De pagina waarheen je linkt voldoet op meerdere manieren niet aan de minimale eisen! Als dat op 31 augustus onduidelijkheden zijn en/of de landingspagina niet voldoet, kan de fotowedstrijd niet starten! Als je een landingspagina hebt aangemaakt, wil ik er gerust vast eerder naar kijken om te zien of die goed genoeg is.
- Van 2011 t/m 2016 werd Wiki Loves Monuments in België en Luxemburg samen georganiseerd. Dat is nog steeds mogelijk: het liefste met steun van de lokale vrijwilligers uit Luxemburg. Op de landingspagina zal dan o.a. duidelijk gemaakt moeten worden dat de jury alle foto's uit beide landen op één hoop gooit en beoordeelt. Romaine (talk) 06:22, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
- PS: Een landingspagina wordt uit praktische overwegingen het meeste op Commons aangemaakt, maar een pagina op Wikipedia of een eigen website mag ook. Een pagina aanmaken op Meta is niet functioneel en niet zinvol. Deelnemers worden dan van de banner boven Wikipedia naar Meta gestuurd om van daar naar Commons gestuurd te worden, niet een goed idee dus. Romaine (talk) 06:32, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
- @Romaine, bedankt voor uw acties en feedback. Ik heb de projectpagina-linken gecorrigeerd... ik had ze verkeerdelijk als Heritage genoemd waar het Monuments moest zijn, waarvoor mijn excuses. Ik heb nu een projectpagina m:Event:Wiki Loves Monuments Belgium/2024 aangemaakt, die klaar staat om vertaald te worden. Gelieve te controleren of deze pagina voldoet. De grote voordelen van Meta is:
- simpele geintegreerde vertaling mogelijk (op Commons is dit omslachtiger met sjablonen)
- ingebouwde registratie van de deelnemers
- e-mail sturen naar de deelnemers is heel eenvoudig
- automatische statistieken over deelnemersbijdragen via het Event dashboard platform
- Dit alles is niet mogelijk met Commons...
- Wat betreft Luxemburg heb ik de vraag gekregen van een Luxemburgse vrijwilliger. Kan je dan de Campaign:wlm-lu ook activeren? Ik heb de Participating countries navenant aangepast. Ik voeg de upload button dan toe op de Belgische projectpagina en vermeld dat ook Luxemburgse monumenten welkom zijn.
- Bedankt hiervoor! --Geert Van Pamel 12:46, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Geert, Even kijken naar de projectpagina die je linkt. De pagina lijkt aan de minimale eisen te voldoen, maar wel minimaal. Mijn oog valt allereerst op die box bovenaan, waarom kan daar niet 1 september 0:00 tot 30 september 23:59 staan met UTC+2? Een detail, maar toch. Een ander detail zijn de uploadlinks die externe link icoontjes hebben: als je er class="plainlinks" omheen plaatst staat het denk ik fraaier.
- "you give permission to re-use the image under a CC BY-SA license or better" -> CC-BY of CC0 zijn niet "beter", maar vrijer. "Beter" is een waardeoordeel, "vrijer" is een beschrijving van de kenmerken.
- Als ik je eerder goed begrepen heb valt in België Wiki Loves Monuments onder Wiki Loves Heritage, maar op de pagina wordt dat niet echt duidelijk. Ik zou op de pagina onderaan een sectie toevoegen waarin dat wordt aangegeven.
- "Als je beelden van immaterieel erfgoed wil uploaden" -> Het gaat volgens mij niet alleen om immaterieel erfgoed, maar ook om roerend erfgoed. The speciale upload wizard is gekoppeld aan d:Property:P1764 en die omvat niet het roerende erfgoed. Hetzelfde voor Brussel en Wallonië.
- Nogmaals, het uiterlijk van de pagina is niet echt aantrekkelijk voor de bezoeker. Vergelijk het eens met Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2024 in Ireland. Een aantrekkelijke pagina enthousiasmeert mensen om deel te nemen en om meer te uploaden.
- Afbeeldingen geüpload worden toegevoegd aan Category:Wiki Loves Monuments Belgium 2024 needing check of Category:Wiki Loves Monuments Luxembourg 2024 needing check. Het is aan de organisatoren om ervoor te zorgen dat de uploads toegevoegd worden aan de monumentencategorieën per gemeente of aan de specifieke categorie voor een bepaald monument als die bestaat. Ik zie op Category:Wiki Loves Monuments in Belgium & Luxembourg dat er nog verschillende categorieën zijn met hierop na te kijken afbeeldingen.
- Ik snap de voordelen die de Meta-pagina biedt, maar zoals uitgelegd heeft dat ook nadelen. Het zou al een hoop schelen als het uiterlijk van de pagina fraaier wordt gemaakt. Zoals mogelijk al gezien, de Luxemburgse upload wizard is ook klaargezet voor de start van de fotowedstrijd. Romaine (talk) 18:07, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
- @Romaine ik heb aanpassingen gemaakt aan de Engelse versie.
- De notatie van uur en tijd wordt door het Events tool beslist. Als je niet ingelogd bent is dit UTC, vandaar de verschuiving van 2 uur. Hierover hebben we geen controle.
- Ik heb nu gekozen voor een "vrije licentie". (gebruikers kunnen kiezen)
- IK heb toegevoegd dat de foto's van beide campagnes door hetzelfde team worden beoordeeld.
- Ik heb "movable heritage" toegevoegd.
- Ik heb de stijl van de pagina aangepast. Best bekijken met een "Chrome" browser... Firefox presenteert niet zo goed... mijn ervaring is dat Firefox minder goed overweg kan met CSS.
- Als het nu OK is voor jou geef ik de opdracht om de vertalingen te synchroniseren. --Geert Van Pamel 16:23, 29 August 2024 (UTC)
- Het lijkt me wel oké qua inhoud. Qua uiterlijk zou het denk ik nog beter kunnen, maar dat ik laat ik aan jou over. Hou wel in de gaten dat niet iedereen die deelneemt door foto's te uploaden op de blauwe aanmeldknop op de pagina heeft geklikt. Romaine (talk) 11:19, 30 August 2024 (UTC)
- @Romaine ik heb aanpassingen gemaakt aan de Engelse versie.
- Hi Geert, Even kijken naar de projectpagina die je linkt. De pagina lijkt aan de minimale eisen te voldoen, maar wel minimaal. Mijn oog valt allereerst op die box bovenaan, waarom kan daar niet 1 september 0:00 tot 30 september 23:59 staan met UTC+2? Een detail, maar toch. Een ander detail zijn de uploadlinks die externe link icoontjes hebben: als je er class="plainlinks" omheen plaatst staat het denk ik fraaier.
- @Romaine, bedankt voor uw acties en feedback. Ik heb de projectpagina-linken gecorrigeerd... ik had ze verkeerdelijk als Heritage genoemd waar het Monuments moest zijn, waarvoor mijn excuses. Ik heb nu een projectpagina m:Event:Wiki Loves Monuments Belgium/2024 aangemaakt, die klaar staat om vertaald te worden. Gelieve te controleren of deze pagina voldoet. De grote voordelen van Meta is:
- PS: Een landingspagina wordt uit praktische overwegingen het meeste op Commons aangemaakt, maar een pagina op Wikipedia of een eigen website mag ook. Een pagina aanmaken op Meta is niet functioneel en niet zinvol. Deelnemers worden dan van de banner boven Wikipedia naar Meta gestuurd om van daar naar Commons gestuurd te worden, niet een goed idee dus. Romaine (talk) 06:32, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
Nu startar Wiki Loves Monuments 2024!
(For information in English, see Wiki Loves Monuments 2024 in Sweden or other participating countries.)
Du får det här meddelandet då du tidigare har deltagit i de svenska deltävlingarna av Wiki Loves Monuments eller Wiki Loves Earth!
Den 1 september inleds 2024 års svenska deltävling av Wiki Loves Monuments, där det skulle vara väldigt roligt om du ville vara med och delta! Målet med Wiki Loves Monuments är att fotografera det svenska kulturarvet. De kategorier som ingår är byggnadsminnen, fornminnen, kulturmärkta fartyg och fritidsbåtar samt arbetslivsmuseer – och du är välkommen att bidra med bilder hela september.
Välkommen till tävlingen, och lycka till! / --Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) (talk) 08:01, 28 August 2024 (UTC)
WLM Alternative banner
[edit]Hi @Romaine, and thank you for all your efforts with WLM. Have you or someone else in the WLM team got capacity to help WMNO set up a custom central notice banner for Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk? The texts that have now been added to the centrale notice table are ready to be used. As you can see, they are tailored to fit our needs. But we would like to have this image added on the right hand side of the banner: Usually @Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) would sort things out for us, but he is out of office for a week now. Your help would be much appreciated! Elisabeth Carrera (WMNO) (talk) 09:27, 29 August 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Elisabeth Carrera (WMNO), I have just set up the banner for Norway. I have updated the texts. An image on the right is more difficult. A few years ago the WLM banners got an upgrade to better deal with mobile users and users in general. For the new banner, I have with the complex coding no example how to insert an image properly. So I have two options, or I use the old banner and insert the image there, or I use the new banner and we wait for your colleague to return. As the first days of the contest aren't the most important ones, I think we can wait until he returns. Greetings - Romaine (talk) 11:56, 30 August 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you, much appreciated! It's vital that the text is correct, and please use the new banner. We'll add an image next week, as you suggest. Elisabeth Carrera (WMNO) (talk) 06:09, 31 August 2024 (UTC)
WLM Algeria?
[edit]Hello Romaine
Looking at Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2024/Participating countries it looks like Algeria is participating this year (in October) but Template:Wiki Loves Monuments 2024 does not include it. There's no local page, either. Do you know if they are finally participating or not?
Platonides (talk) 20:59, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
- Hi @Platonides, great to see you help us out again, thanks!
- Algeria signed up only yesterday, and there may be a few more last minute joining countries. Ciell (talk) 07:54, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- We have asked everyone to indicate their local participation as early as possible, but Algeria was very late doing such. In the coming days I will add Algeria and maybe other new countries to the more than a dozen places which I all synchronise together. Then that template will be updated too. For various countries the landing pages are still missing: Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2024/Landing pages. Local teams may use some help with their pages. If you have some css skills (or you like a challenge), the arrows of landing pages of RTL languages has issues, see for example: Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2024 in Palestine. Romaine (talk) 12:56, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
- Nice! It's great to see them. I was going through the list of countries (for [1]), and I found a bit unclear whether they were participating or not. Platonides (talk) 23:58, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
WLM banner Inari Sami translations
[edit]Hi, I added Inari sami banner translations so they would be in correct language at , could you update these to centralnotice? --Zache (talk) 10:26, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
- Thanks! Added! Romaine (talk) 10:35, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
- btw, is it possible to customize homepage links based on countrycode + user interface langauge code? ie we have translations to sami languages in so would it be possible to add link which would point directly to correct language? For example in this case. Zache (talk) 10:50, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Zache, If you talk about the WLM banner for Finland, I can direct people in the banner shown in Finland to a specific page on your website based on the language. Now everyone is directed to the same page, so if people visit the English Wikipedia, German Wikipedia or Finnish Wikipedia it does not matter, the link stays the same. If I change the banner based on language, the behaviour is based on the language of the wiki visited for users that are not logged in and based on the language users have set for registered users. People from Finland visiting the English Wikipedia then will be linked to the English page, visiting the Finnish Wikipedia will be linked to the Finnish page, etc for all languages this is set, but assuming you don't have a page in Greek/German/Georgian/etc, they will be directed to the English page. But also Inari sami: if you don't have a page in that language, people from Finland visiting that Wikipedia will be directed to the English version, unless you want me to set them to go to the Finnish Wikipedia. For logged in users it is based on the language in their preferences, independent from the language of the wiki they are visiting. If you want to continue, I need to know which languages you want to link to which pages. Romaine (talk) 11:19, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
- Sure, lets change it :) Current existing languages are following and default language can be english.
- finnish: (fi) :
- swedish: (sv) :
- english: (en) :
- northern sami: (se) :
- inari sami: (smn) :
- skolt sami: (sms) :
- --Zache (talk) 11:34, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
- Implemented! If you notice any issues, please let me know. Romaine (talk) 17:24, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
- So-far-good, and effect of it directing automatically to correct language when using is actually pretty neat. Thanks! --Zache (talk) 05:57, 7 September 2024 (UTC)
- Implemented! If you notice any issues, please let me know. Romaine (talk) 17:24, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
- Sure, lets change it :) Current existing languages are following and default language can be english.
- Hi Zache, If you talk about the WLM banner for Finland, I can direct people in the banner shown in Finland to a specific page on your website based on the language. Now everyone is directed to the same page, so if people visit the English Wikipedia, German Wikipedia or Finnish Wikipedia it does not matter, the link stays the same. If I change the banner based on language, the behaviour is based on the language of the wiki visited for users that are not logged in and based on the language users have set for registered users. People from Finland visiting the English Wikipedia then will be linked to the English page, visiting the Finnish Wikipedia will be linked to the Finnish page, etc for all languages this is set, but assuming you don't have a page in Greek/German/Georgian/etc, they will be directed to the English page. But also Inari sami: if you don't have a page in that language, people from Finland visiting that Wikipedia will be directed to the English version, unless you want me to set them to go to the Finnish Wikipedia. For logged in users it is based on the language in their preferences, independent from the language of the wiki they are visiting. If you want to continue, I need to know which languages you want to link to which pages. Romaine (talk) 11:19, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
- btw, is it possible to customize homepage links based on countrycode + user interface langauge code? ie we have translations to sami languages in so would it be possible to add link which would point directly to correct language? For example in this case. Zache (talk) 10:50, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
WLE Winners
[edit]Hello @Romaine, I need extension for submission of winners from Malaysia. We would need 3 days to conclude. Would that be ok? WAqil (WMYS) (talk) 17:20, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
- Hi WAqil (WMYS), Please ask Olesia from the international team about this. (I am not involved in the jury process.) Romaine (talk) 17:23, 6 September 2024 (UTC)
WLM ie has a new template to trace depicted monuments
[edit]Ciao Romaine, nice to find you again after long time. WM Ireland asked for and we were very happy to onboard their WLM contest on the webapp previously used only for WLM Italy. Among other things, they now have a template (Template:Irish monument) that is supposed to be used in the description to navigate towards Wikidata (the same way of (Template:Monumento italiano). Actually this requires a small change in Campaign:wlm-ie to use the new template.
Few lines should be added after license block and before wikibase block. I simulated the change in my sandbox: see diff here.
If you have any question, let me know. Thank you. Ysogo (talk) 16:09, 13 September 2024 (UTC)
Wiki loves Earth - categorisation
[edit]Hello, I noticed that while countless great images are uploaded through WLE, they are often very poorly categorized, presumably because many of the uploaders don't know the categorisation system. Examples are categories like this, this, this, this of this, where thousands upon thousands of images are, which are otherwise uncategorized. This is a shame, as it greatly reduces the likelyhood of those images being used, because the're often essentially impossible to find.
I suggest to automatically add {{Check categories}} to all images uploaded through the customized version of the upload wizard, so that someone can go through and categorize them better. ~TheImaCow (talk) 20:30, 14 September 2024 (UTC)
- Hi TheImaCow, I fully agree with you that the categorisation of many images in photo contests is poor and that improvement is needed. What the best way is to continue is something I do not know, as your suggestion may have some disadvantages. The issue is not only limited to Wiki Loves Earth, it also concerns Wiki Loves Africa and Wiki Loves Monuments. Based upon what the customised upload wizard allows me to do we have tried to come with the best possible solution to categorise the images that are uploaded through these contests. If no categories are added, the contests add a generic category: the ones you are referring too, so that at least one content category is added. We ask local organising teams to categorise the images into deeper categories, but this sadly often does not happen. Also there are multiple scenarios we have to take into account:
- Participants add no categories themselves
- Participants add the right categories themselves
- Participants upload through a customised upload link which adds specific categories
- In the case of scenarios 2 and 3 we create extra workload as I see no option for uploaders to remove the Check categories template. Also adding this template when uploaders do their best to properly add categories can work demotivating. With the huge amount of uploads, automatically adding the Check categories template will result in flooding the categories added by the Check categories template. Another thing that we need to be aware of that photo contests create a huge amount of images: WLE 2024 alone already got about 80 000 images. So implementing your suggestion will have huge impact and I think a broader discussion is needed.
- I think two questions need to be answered: One, if it is wanted to add a check category (which I assume it is), should this flood the regular check categories or better have a specific category for each contest? Two, how should this be added: through a bot running on the generic categories added by the customised upload wizards or in the customised upload wizards itself (so also adding it to uploaded files that get properly categorised)?
- If you want to start a discussion on a generic page about this, I can inform the various international and local organisers about this subject and point them to there. Romaine (talk) 16:52, 24 September 2024 (UTC)
- I saw that there are on occasion categories like "CAT:Images from Wiki Loves Earth 2021 in Portugal to check, CAT:Images from Wiki Loves Earth 2016 in Algeria to check or CAT:Uncategorized images from Wiki Loves Earth 2018 in Spain. I agree that it would probably be better to add such project-specific check categories to all new uploads instead the "check categories" template.
- (Note that I personally don't wan't to make a broader discussion about this, because I don't really know much about this topic, it was just a quick observation I made) ~TheImaCow (talk) 17:00, 27 September 2024 (UTC)
Une vidéo que j'arrive pas à lire
[edit]Salut @Romaine. S'il te plaît peux-tu m'aider à voir le problème qui se pose avec cette vidéo qui je n'arrive pas à lire ? voici la Vidéo. Cordialement Adoscam (talk) 13:04, 28 September 2024 (UTC)
CentralNotice for Ukraine and Morocco
[edit]hello, i know this is a very busy time for you. so just checking if you have seen additional requests for CentralNotice for Morocco and Ukraine here (maybe you already had some conversations with the Morocco organisers and their request is no longer relevant, so just checking) --アンタナナ 11:37, 30 September 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Antanana, With Morocco it was already arranged through Telegram. I just created the banner for Ukraine and will look like this. Greetings - Romaine (talk) 14:24, 30 September 2024 (UTC)
Help with Campaign:wlpac-rs
[edit]Hi Romaine, how are you? I am writing to you in front of the project's organizational team of Wiki Loves Public Art & Cemeteries in Serbia 2024. Could you help us with upload campaign? I have create something on my namespace, and it should be move to main namespace Campaign:wlpac-rs (only admins can create a page) then we can test to see if the templates (and campaign) work. We will also need Mwe-upwiz-campaigns-wlpac-nomination-wlm (something like Mwe-upwiz-campaigns-wle-nomination-hre) for photos that can be sent to WLM Serbia too. MikyM (talk) 19:15, 3 October 2024 (UTC)
- Hi MikyM, It seems you already got the help you were looking for? Romaine (talk) 15:00, 13 October 2024 (UTC)
- yes, but we still need to upload our WLM campings page. so if you can help with it ... :) i can send you details. MikyM (talk) 00:04, 14 October 2024 (UTC)
[edit]Hello Romaine! Recently you've created a separation of categories for our recent WLM campaign regarding Albania and Kosovo. That is fine. However maybe some other subsequent changes may be needed as currently the main subpage for photos shows 0 + 0 photo results, even though the category header shows the correct number of them. Maybe it's just a caching issue? I'm talking specifically about this page. Normally you'd expect to see something like this, with the uploaded images shown below, no?
Finally, I had a user saying that they have uploaded photos but somehow they're not being shown in the campaign yet. If you check their contributions you'd see that they're right but most likely they have uploaded them through the default upload wizard, not the campaign one. Can we make them part of the campaign? If yes, do we just need to add the Albanian category to them or would other changes be needed as well? - Klein Muçi (talk) 11:25, 11 October 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Klein Muçi, Caching is making sure the servers can easier handle requests, but at the same time it causes pages to show older numbers. In this case it was worsened by code which I removed and now the numbers are more actual.
- The special upload campaigns add default categorisation and the contest template. So to make it part again of the contest, adding the contest template is sufficient. Just make sure the right country code is added as parameter. It would also be good to be aware of categorisation on subject. First, each image should be categorised in content category (=categorised by subject). Each image should be categorised in as deep as possible categories so that people who want to use in image can find it there. The default categorisation added by the special upload wizard voor WLM are Category:Cultural heritage monuments in Albania or Category:Cultural heritage monuments in Kosovo. These two categories should not contain any images and if uploaders did not categorise their images deeper, we hope that the local organising WLM team will categorise them better. I will send an e-mail about this to the WLM mailing list later on. Greetings - Romaine (talk) 15:19, 13 October 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you very much for taking the time to solve all our issues! (And even give explanations!)
Two last questions which are mostly personal curiosities:
I believe we can't make the main subpage for photos also show the uploaded photos for both categories, right? (Like here.)
The stats are currently vertically stacked more or less. I wonder if they can be put horizontally in a single line.
This is mostly so I can have a fine-tuned structure that I can reuse for upcoming events as well. — Klein Muçi (talk) 16:32, 13 October 2024 (UTC)- Hi Klein Muçi, I changed the code to make it horizontal, with zero uploads this wasn't an issue yet.
- I am not sure what you exactly mean with "show the uploaded photos for both categories". The reason why I changed some things before the contest started, is because the name of categories matters for various tools and bots. A category starting with "Images from " indicates a source category and should be counted or ignored, depending on the situation. So a category name like Category:Images from Wiki Loves Earth 2023 in Albania & Kosovo works well, but a category name like Category:Wiki Loves Monuments in Albania & Kosovo - 2024 is a problem for the tools, bots and other infrastructure. With WLE there was a category and a single category, added by the WLE file template. For WLM such is also possible, but a different category name is needed which should start with "Images from". Such I can add to the WLM file template, so it gets added automatically. Romaine (talk) 16:57, 13 October 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you!
In regard to show the uploaded photos for both categories I just meant to emulate what a typical category page usually has, which shows all its files. Check the link of the WLE campaign I've sent and you'll see all the uploaded photos in it. This is a native feature which happened to work nice about such campaigns because it shows what has already been uploaded, urging people to upload more (it's something less abstract than just showing the stat numbers). Currently that "doesn't work" because we have a more complex category system with multiple categories. It's no big deal anyway. — Klein Muçi (talk) 17:39, 13 October 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you!
- Thank you very much for taking the time to solve all our issues! (And even give explanations!)