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![]() | Documentation for this user script can be added at User:SteinsplitterBot/rconfig. |
// ***************************** SETUP FOR ROTATEBOT ******************************
// Admins can change the config if there are problems with the bot.
// Comments starts ONLY with //
//Bot active? (true/false) (standard: true)
var active = true;
//User-group with permission for rotating (standard: 0)
//0 = all users
//1 = autoconfirmed users
var rotatepermission = 0;
//minimum global contribs of autoconfirmed users for rotating (standard: 0)
//(ONLY if rotatepermission == 1 !)
var mincontribs = 0;
//Size of the Logfile (User:SteinsplitterBot/Rotatebot) (standard: 90)
var logfilesize = 90;
//Maximal rotatings at once (standard: 30) max: 30 otherwise it could lead to disk full 40 seems to be okay, too.
//please adjust [[User:SteinsplitterBot/max images per run]] (and maybe roughly [[User:SteinsplitterBot/approx time in hours per image]]) for the time estimation if the full-load speed changes due to this
var limit = 24;
//maximal filesize of pictures in bytes
var fileSizeLimit = 1000000000;
//Use chunked upload function
var Chunked = true;
// Use the chunked upload function if filesyze is bigger than (in bytes)
var ChunkedStarter = "70000000";
//Automatically remove lockfile if older than x. Example, 8 * 3600 = 8 hours.
var maxlockfiletime = "8 * 3600";
//minimal lag of the bot in minutes
//please keep in sync with [[User:SteinsplitterBot/min lag]] for time calculation
var lag = 60;
//Kill all running rotatebots? (true/false) (standard: false)
var killAllRotatebots = false;
//Do not die if there are lock problems? (true/false) (standard: false)
var dontDieOnLockProblems = false;
//Upload summary
var uploadsummary = "Bot: Image rotated by %s°";
var resetuploadsummary = "Bot: Reset EXIF-specified Orientation of image";
var exifuploadsum = "(EXIF-Orientation set from %s to %s%s, rotated %s°)";
//Edit summary (when removing template)
var editsummary = "Bot: removing rotate %s° order";
var reseteditsummary = "Bot: removing EXIF reset order";
//Header of the logfile
var logheader = "{{:User:SteinsplitterBot/Rotatebot/header|1=%s|2=~~~~~}}";