Memorándum de Entendimiento GBIF

Este MdeE no vinculante, actualizado en 2012, constituye la base de la participación multilateral e intergubernamental en GBIF


Recognizing the importance of making biodiversity data openly available to all countries and individuals underscored by various international agreements, the OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy in 1999 endorsed the recommendation to establish a Global Biodiversity Information Facility (hereinafter referred to as “GBIF”) with open-ended participation.

This non-binding Memorandum of Understanding forms the basis for the national and other signatories to cooperate in "a co-ordinated international scientific effort…to openly share and put to use vast quantities of global biodiversity data, thereby advancing scientific research in many disciplines, promoting technological and sustainable development, facilitating the conservation of biodiversity and the equitable sharing of its benefits, and enhancing the quality of life of members of society."

NOTE: The English version of the MOU is the official one and the only one available for signature by those countries or international organizations that wish to be members of GBIF. Members of the GBIF community have contributed unofficial translations solely for the purpose of guidance.
View available translations